
How Do I Get Started With An Appointment?

You may schedule an appointment at any of our locations by calling this number:

1-877-WELL ALL (1-877-935-5255)

Download the Patient Handbook Here

Your First Visit

The front desk staff will greet you when you arrive.  You will need to fill out paperwork about your health history, insurance information and/or income and our privacy policies.  We have bilingual staff that will help you and answer any questions you may have.  If you have access to a printer please print the New Patient Registration Packet in English or Spanish (see below) and bring it to your appointment.

We will call you back to an exam room.  For a medical visit, our nurse will check your vitals (blood pressure height, weight, and temperature). Other staff will assist you for other types of care such as dental, behavioral health and other specialties.  He or she will also ask you the reason for your visit.  

Next, you will then meet with your doctor, nurse practitioner or health care team member.

Please see our front desk staff before leaving.

What do I need to bring with me? When you arrive at CommWell Health for the first time, please bring the following:

  1. Proof of Identification (any picture identification card, such as a driver’s license or work ID) 
  2. Your medications and dietary supplements – bring all your medications and supplements you are taking now.
  3. Your medical history – bring any information about past or present health problems, surgeries, family health history, and immunization records.
  4. Print the following forms and bring them with you. If you need assistance filling out please download and bring the form to our office. If you have no printer a copy will be provided for you at our facilities.

If you have insurance:

  1. Proof of health insurance: 3rd party private insurance, Medicaid card, Medicare card.
  2. Co-payment (if you have one).

If you don’t have insurance:

1. Proof of income: the following documents can be used to prove income:

Tax return, W-2’s, one month of paycheck stubs, documentation from an employer of one-month income, court orders, letter from Social Security Office, pension letter, age transcript from the state for unemployment or worker’s compensation.

  1. Slide Fee Scale English and Slide Fee Scale Spanish
  2. Slide Fee Scale Discount Program Application
  3. Registration staff can determine if you qualify and if so, your level of discount.
  4. There are multiple discount levels, based on annual income and family size.  The discount is off of our standard charges and will remain valid for one year after the date of application unless your income or insurance status changes.
  5. Once approved, you must report any change in your income, family size or insurance status.
  6. Arrive 15-30 minutes before your appointment.


Payment or co-payment is due when services are rendered. We accept cash, check, all major credit cards and debit cards. Please visit our How To Pay page for more information.


  • Your information and health records are completely confidential.  Our policies comply with the federal regulations under HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act).  We use an electronic health record system that will store your information in a secure database.  You can see your records, but no one else can unless you grant permission by signing a consent form.  However, by signing the CommWell Health Consent to Treatment form upon registration, you are authorizing CommWell Health physicians and staff to access and disclose your medical information so we can better coordinate your care & collect payments from your health insurance company.

    You can find a copy of the Privacy Notice here:


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