
COVID-19 Resources for Farming/Agricultural Community

If you have a fever 100.4 or more, cough, or shortness of breath call the CommWell Health Coronavirus helpline at 910-567-7114 before visiting any CommWell Health location. CommWell Health Coronavirus Helpline is available: Monday – Thursday 8am – 4pm and Friday 8am-1pm.

Si tiene fiebre 100.4 o mas, tos o dificultad para respirar, llame a la línea de ayuda de CommWell Health Coronavirus al 910-567-7114 antes de visitar cualquier clinica de CommWell Health. CommWell Health Coronavirus Helpline está disponible:  Lunes – Jueves 8am – 4pm y Viernes 8am – 1pm.


Resources for the Farming Community

If you have any questions about COVID-19, please call the CommWell Health COVID-19 helpline


Resources available to you during the COVID-19 pandemic: (phone 252-744-1008)


Resources for Farmworkers/Agricultural Workers / Recursos para Trabajadors Agrícolas

To reduce the risk and spread of COVID-19, we recommend continuously consulting the NC DHHS recommendations as circumstances are changing.

Para reducir el riesgo y el contagio del virus COVID-19, recomendamos consultar las recomendaciones del DHHS de Carolina del Norte continuamente según cambien las circunstancias.

The symptoms of this infection are similar to a common cold and include sore throat, cough or fever. For a few people it may become pneumonia and cause shortness of breath. People at highest risk of pneumonia include those with diabetes or another chronic disease and those over the age of 65 years old. Smoking can also increase your risk.

Los síntomas de esta infección son similares a un catarro común: dolor de garganta, tos o fiebre. Algunas personas pueden empeorarse y tener pulmonía y dificultades para respirar. Las personas con riesgo elevado de contraer pulmonía incluyen personas con diabetes o alguna otra enfermedad crónica y los mayores de 65 años de edad. Las personas que fuman también pueden tener un nivel de riesgo más alto.

Washing your hands for 20 seconds frequently, but especially before you eat is the most effective way to prevent becoming infected. Separating people with symptoms from people without symptoms is also very important to prevent the spread of this infection. Please call your outreach worker if you or your coworker have symptoms of sore throat, cough or fever.

Lavarse las manos frecuentemente por 20 segundos, pero especialmente antes de comer, es la manera más efectiva de evitar ser contagiado. Separar a las personas con síntomas de la gente sin síntomas también es muy importante para evitar que se propague esta infección. Por favor llame a su trabajador de alcance si usted o sus compañeros tienen síntomas, incluyendo dolor de garganta, tos o fiebre.

National Resources:
Bookmark websites on your computer that can help you stay up to date with current facts about the infection and your local situation: For national info from the CDC . For state info from NCDHHS (available in Spanish) this site also links directly to all the county health department websites.
Para información a nivel nacional de los Centros de Control de Enfermedades (CDC) 
Para información a nivel estatal del DHHS (disponible en español) response-north-carolina (este sitio también se conecta directamente a todos los sitios web de los departamentos de salud de los condados).
MHP Salud implements Community Health Worker (CHW) programs to empower underserved Latino communities and promotes the CHW model nationally as a culturally appropriate strategy to improve health. MHP provides technical assistance resources for CHW program development and implementation.
The Migrant Clinicians Network engages in research, develops appropriate resources, advocates for migrants and clinicians, engages outside partners, and runs programs that support clinical care on the frontline of migrant health. MCN offers resources on migrant health issues, cultural competency, consultation on clinic systems, protocols and procedures as well as program development and evaluation.
The National Center for Farmworker Health (NCFH) is a private, not-for-profit dedicated to improving the health status of farmworker families by providing information services, training and technical assistance, and a variety of products to community and migrant health centers nationwide, as well as organizations, universities, researchers and individuals involved in farmworker health. Farmworker Fact Sheets are available to learn more about farmworker demographics, indigenous farmworkers, animal production workers, and how health issues affect farmworkers.
Health Outreach Partners (HOP) offers health education recipes and tools to facilitate outreach centered health education, which focuses on delivered health education in an outreach context that responds to the health needs of farmworkers. HOP provides training, consultation, and information services to community-based organizations striving to improve the quality of life of hard-to-reach populations.
Farmworker Justice
Farmworker Justice is a nonprofit organization that seeks to empower migrant and seasonal farmworkers to improve their living and working conditions, immigration status, health, occupational safety, and access to justice. Farmworker Justice works with farmworkers and their organizations throughout the nation.
Environmental and Occupational Safety
Outreach and Enrollment
COVID-19 PDF Documents for Printing

Acceso a Programas de Cuidado Médico y Beneficios Públicos Para Inmigrantes en Tiempo de Emergencia

NC State Extension has a useful resource page for producers with information particularly relevant to farms that employ and house migrant, seasonal and H-2A farm workers. View it here. 


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